Saturday, 13 September 2014

Sailor Moon Saturday #11!

Hello everyone!

I really wasn't in the mood to write this today, to be honest. It's so gloomy and dreary here today. I just wanted to put together more of my craft room (pictures will be up soon) and NOT do any of the things I actually needed done today (like homework and this blog post). But nooooo, I'm a responsible adult now! *jazz hands*

I've had a good week! Yesterday I went to Cherry Hill Mall over in New Jersey with my parents. I've never been there before (and honestly I've only ever been to Cherry Hill a grand total of two times in my life) and it's so very posh and cute over there! The mall kind of reminds me of King of Prussia. Mom got me some lovely things (which I might post about on here tomorrow, we'll see!) and we had lunch and she bought me a pizza to take home. It was a great day out!

I was going to go see Guardians of the Galaxy today finally, but Eric's asleep (damn you insomnia!) and I just feel too guilty to wake him. I want to try to let him sleep in peace so I'll just wake him for Doctor Who tonight.

But I guess for now I'll be good and write up this new Sailor Moon entry.

Warning: This post is spoiler-heavy for those who have never seen the 90s show or read the manga.

Today we'll be talking about Makoto Kino and Jupiter.

We will be focusing on Jupiter and Zeus! (Yeah, you heard that right. ZEUS.)

Jupiter is known as being the king of the sky. Badass. Also, shocker, but he's the god of thunder. Hmmmm, maybe this is why Makoto uses lightning!?!?!? In the original Roman lore, Jupiter is the brother of Neptune and Pluto. I could kind of see Makoto being related to Michiru and Setsuna. While I wouldn't say she's as "mature" as the other two, she has that same kind of intimidating nature. (Does that even make sense?)

You know how when we go into a court, we're typically asked to swear on a Bible and tell the truth or so help us God? (I wonder what I'd swear on - maybe a pizza.) Well, back in the day you'd swear to Jupiter. When you took an oath in an office position, you'd swear to Jupiter. I think people kind of underestimate Jupiter but I mean when you look at his position in this context, that's pretty intense. You're swearing your life and honour to him. Show him respect, man.

We kind of always think of Dionysus and Bacchus when it comes to wine (for really obvious reasons), but many wine events were also devoted to Jupiter! Grapes were kind of a fickle plant, so by praying to Jupiter, they could pray for better weather to grow them in! (The more you knowwwww.)

Let's see, more fun facts. Jupiter is also known as Jove. So you know that saying "By Jove!"? Well, that's "By Jupiter!". All I can think of is that scene in My Fair Lady when Rex Harrison goes "By Jove I think she's got it!" because he's just shouting about Jupiter. And when I was talking about swearing an oath to Jupiter earlier, they really usually used the name "Jove". Jove was also a part of the term "jovial", and is commonly used in foreign languages for the word for Thursday! (Examples: jeudi for the French language, jueves for Spanish, and so on!)

And then we have Zeus! I'll try my best to keep this as brief yet informative as I possibly can. I'm sure you guys are aware of the volume of Zeus lore, so there's going to be some stuff that I'm cutting out.

Zeus is basically the father of all of the gods ever. He ruled Mount Olympus and was the god of (gasp) the sky and of thunder!? Anyone else sensing the theme!? He's also the father of Aphrodite (I can't picture Makoto being Minako's mom in any universe). But yeah, Zeus was a player. He was the father of soooooo many gods and humans, it's kind of like a cluttered Jerry Springer episode. (He was also the father of Apollo and Artemis! So, look alive Sailor Moon fans.)

Let's briefly talk about Zeus' birth. His father Cronus wasn't exactly the nicest in the world - he had learned that his son would overthrow him, so every time his wife gave birth to a kid, he SWALLOWED that baby. That's right. He'd eat his kids so they wouldn't take him down. Talk about some damn insecurities. But Rhea (Zeus' mom) went to one of those who had given Cronus the prophecy about being overthrown and asked for help in protecting Zeus, who was currently chillin' out in her womb. So, when Zeus was born, Rhea gave Cronus a blanket that was wrapped around A DAMN ROCK and Cronus was like "Oh hey, sure!" and ate a rock. He was so hungry and desperate for his children's lives that he seriously didn't take the time to notice that he ate a damn rock.

Zeus originally forced Cronus to throw up his siblings, so hurray family reunion! He then divided up who would rule which part of the world with his two brothers, Poseidon and Hades. (So again with the different relations, but once more Makoto would be related to Michiru and Setsuna.)

If you Google it, the Wikipedia page for Zeus gives a really nice list of all of the children he had (including both from gods and from humans). It's frightening how long it is, really.

That's it for this week, kiddies! Next week we'll have a new episode of Sailor Moon and all will be well again! If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, leave me a message below or send me an email!

xo, Kate

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