Saturday, 26 July 2014

Sailor Moon Saturday #4!

Hello everyone!

So yet again, we are left with a void in our hearts. No new Sailor Moon today! (However, the new episode will be up next week.)

I'll be continuing the theme I have at the moment with the Sailor Moon column - today I'll be talking about mythology again, only this time I'll be discussing Luna.

Warning: This post is a little spoiler-y for those who have never seen the 90s show, watched the movies or read the manga.

Last week I also touched on Moon mythology, but rather than talk about Selene again I'm going to talk about Luna, the Roman goddess.

Luna is the Roman equivalent of Selene (who is Greek).

In Rome, there is a spot called Palatine Hill, which was once the home to a temple for Luna. Supposedly this temple would shine in the night, but not much is really known about said temple besides that.

Like in the image above, Luna was often shown driving a chariot. This chariot is called a biga, and is meant to sort of "pair" with the chariot that the Sun god drove (called a quadriga) to show the balance of the morning and the evening.

What I found unusual about Luna was that she was a minor god, so to speak. She was often paired up with two others, Hecate and Diana. I had always thought that they were three separate and bigger gods, but really they sort of acted like a triangle. (Also, we shall discuss this more later, but in Sailor Moon Diana is actually the daughter/kitten of Luna and Artemis.)

Because she is the counterpart of Selene, she was also commonly paired with Endymion in stories. (Which, while understandable, skeeves me out a little bit. Mamoru and Luna.... Um. Although if we're going to discuss animal-human love, we can always nod to the second Sailor Moon movie.) She was also paired with Jupiter!

I know these articles are short, but I kind of like to keep them brief. Maybe it's my way of balancing out how long next week's will be!

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, please leave a comment below or email me! Next week I'll be reviewing the new episode, so hurray!

xo, Kate

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