Friday 17 October 2014

Movie Madness: Darkness Falls (2003)

Today has been an AMAZING day so far.

My philosophy professor emailed me and told me that my midterm paper was great and that I got an A+. So, right there it was awesome. But then I was telling my friend that I wanted a pizza (I'm in a lot of pain today, to the point where I want to cry so cooking is out of the question, and I'm trying to save money for Christmas presents and I just spent some on Halloween party supplies because I'm throwing a relatively big party this year). So she asked around to see if anyone could send me one, and one of her sweet friends (who I'm now friends with) did!

I know this is lame, but I just kind of wanted some reward for getting through this week with great grades.


So now, I'm curled up under the heated blanket with the cat, and since my homework is pretty much done for the week (I just have to give a speech and write a paper, but I'm waiting back for a response from my professor), I'm going to marathon some horror movies and get ahead on things for this month!

Tonight, Netflix chose 'Darkness Falls'.

The town of Darkness Falls (what a fucking stupid name for a town) is haunted by the sinister spectre of "The Tooth Fairy", a woman named Matilda who used to give the children of the town golden coins when they lost their teeth (hence the moniker). After losing his last baby tooth, a young boy named Kyle is attacked by The Tooth Fairy, and when his mother intervenes, she is killed. When people think that Kyle killed her, he is put into a mental institution.  He is released later in life, only to be brought back to Darkness Falls to save the younger brother of the girl he once cared for...

This wasn't really that great. I don't really hate the premise or anything, but my problem was with the acting. I thought a lot of it was pretty cheesy, honestly. Like they were trying way too hard. (Although I did laugh when they actually defeated The Tooth Fairy - I mean, a flaming punch to the face? That's ridiculous in a good way.)

'Darkness Falls' could've been more. I dunno. I liked the background story for the ghost and such, but it just felt like it was missing something? I was scared of her, I didn't empathize with her. I felt NOTHING for her. It was a missed opportunity, really.

I was just simply bored throughout the whole thing. Bored, ba-bored bored bored.

If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to leave me a message below or send me an email!

Have a freaky Friday, my pretties!

xo, Kate

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