Wednesday 1 October 2014

Movie Madness: The Final (2010)

This week has been kind of all over the place. Right now I'm just overwhelmed. I'm scared that I'll never be married or have kids or have a steady job. All of these are incredibly valid fears.

And that's what we'll be discussing on this blog during the month of October. Fear.

For the month of October, I'll be posting reviews of scary movies (and possibly books), posting some cute little recipes, and even talk about some cheap craft projects you can do for any Halloween parties you guys might be hosting!

Let's start with a movie.

Netflix has a rather extensive horror selection. And I mean, it's not known for being filled with "quality" examples of cinema, but let's check it out.

I picked the first thing that showed up on my list that wasn't a sequel.

The premise of this film is really simple - the kids who are bullied in high school get revenge on their popular bullies. It's easy, and something everyone can relate to. I refuse to acknowledge anyone that says they didn't have at least one bully. I mean hell, almost a decade later and I STILL have high school idiots that absolutely refuse to leave me alone. How pathetic is that? Some people just never grow up.

Supposedly this is partly based around a true story in which teens planned revenge against their bullies, but I haven't been able to find a solid source about this. So if any of you internet sleuths find anything, send me a message and I'll include it in this post!

This was kind of a mixed bag. There were some parts that moved quickly and have a fun horror-parody feeling (like a Scary Movie kind of deal) but then there were scenes where everything draaaaaaaagged.

There were some parts the were creepy. I mean, I find most masks to be creepy in general (which kind of stems from the same place of coulrophobia - the fear of clowns). We talked about this in my AP Psychology class in high school, but people tend to be afraid of clowns because our brain is confused by the makeup - like painting a frowning face onto a smiling person. It's weird, and our brains are like "WHAT THE WHAT" and get freaked out. Well, some of us anyway. Clowns don't really bother me, but I know a lot of people who are TERRIFIED of them. But I do get freaked out a little by masks, and this movie really plays into the mask thing.

Some of the torture methods are pretty interesting too, especially considering we're supposed to believe that teenagers came up with them.

ALTHOUGH, I did laugh when I realized something. Is anyone else here a Parks & Recreation fan? If so, you may remember the character Orin. A friend of April's, he's this creepy kid that has weird performance art shows and freaks out Leslie and Ben on a few occasions. And guess what? He plays Jack in this film. So, I guess it's interesting to know that he seems to be typecast.

Overall, this wasn't the worst horror film I've seen, but it was incredibly slow. I wouldn't give it another watch. Avoid this if you're squeamish, but even that's a light warning because despite the torture, it's actually not too graphic (besides one scene involving fingers).

I guess if you really have the need to give this one a try, you can stream it on Netflix or Amazon Prime.

If you have anything you'd like to see for my Halloween month, feel free to leave me a comment below or send me an email!

Until next time, lovelies!

xo, Kate

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