Thursday 16 October 2014

Movie Madness: House (1986)

So I've been working on that paper about 'Rosemary's Baby' and it's been so rough for some reason. I'm having a hard time getting the thesis statement down. I dunno why. Maybe I'll email my professor after I write this article. (I probably will, honestly.)

I was originally going to post a recipe on here today, but it ended up being a failure! Booooo. (I don't know why I can't seem to be able to make edamame hummus. Seriously, it's always disgusting when I make it.) So instead, you get another movie review.

It seems as though Netflix has resurrected Max. This may or may not have been a good choice...

Roger Cobb, a famous horror writer, has recently lost his aunt. He inherits her house and decides to spend some time there in order to write his new book about his experience in Vietnam, but he quickly realizes that the house isn't all it's cracked up to be...

I don't know what I expected from a movie called 'House', but it wasn't this. I enjoyed seeing Norm from 'Cheers' in this though, and I'll admit that I've kind of fallen into that cliched habit of screaming "NORM!" whenever he appeared. (Yeah, I know, I hate me too.)

I really have nothing to say about this film. I felt like it had a lot of potential but then it just kind of kicked itself around for a bit before coming to an end. I really actually liked the idea of what the ghost ended up being, but the "horror" aspects of this were just so weird. (And I know this is labeled as a horror-comedy, but a. I didn't really find it funny and b. the weird horror aspects weren't funny either, they just seemed a bit lazy.) It wasn't witty, it wasn't really vulgar either... I don't know what type of humour this was going for. Who was the target audience supposed to be?

(And I'm sorry, but that lady who just brings her kid over for Roger to babysit without even really asking? Pretty sure I would've verbally torn her apart. Who would realistically put up with that kind of behaviour!? I'm the dictionary definition of a human doormat and even I was flabbergasted.)

So, if anyone wants to try to explain the humour of this to me, be my guest. Because I guess I'm just not getting it.

Thanks for reading this review, my lovelies! If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to leave me a message below or send me an email!

xo, Kate

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