Sunday 5 October 2014

Movie Madness: The Ward (2010)

Earlier this week, Eric took me out to this lovely restaurant in Jamison called Wild Ginger II (as you can guess, there are other locations). They used to provide some really unique vegan alternatives there, but the menu has changed and they have a new cook. It's still good. It's just not the same. It's not as varied and the waitress we had wasn't exactly um... "together", I guess. I dunno. I tried to be really nice about it anyway though.

Tonight's horror choice was made through Netflix's "Max" option. He's been really hit-or-miss lately, heh.

I really wanted to like this, you guys. I really like John Carpenter's work. Well, most of the time. But this was just a stinker. I haven't liked Amber Heard in anything I've seen her in yet, but at the same time she isn't a terrible actress either so I keep giving her the benefit of the doubt. But this just wasn't worth it.

'The Ward' is a film where a woman named Kristen is institutionalized and terrorized by a ghost. She soon realizes that this ghost is killing off the women in the ward, and she decides to try to escape from this nightmare.

Warning: Spoilers ahead!

This movie doesn't really pick up or get too interesting until the last ten minutes. Within the last ten minutes of the film, it's revealed that Alice (the ghost) is actually Kristen's real identity, and that Kristen and the other girls of the ward were just other personalities that Alice created in order to overcome a childhood trauma.

This actually reminded me of a horror version of the FABULOUS TV show 'The United States of Tara'. (I really recommend 'The United States of Tara', and it's available to watch on Netflix and Amazon Prime. It was unfortunately canceled so there's only three seasons, but it actually wraps up fairly well.)

I just, I couldn't get into this. I was bored within the first thirty minutes, but I kept going just in case things started to get interesting. It wasn't the "unwatchable" level of boring at that point.

I should've just turned back.

It's a shame. I feel like there was a lot of potential in this film that just didn't get to shine through.

Who knows, maybe next time!

I hope you all enjoyed this review though! If you have any suggestions for scary films or Halloween horrors, feel free to leave me a comment below or send me an email!

Trick on, my ghouls!

xo, Kate

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